ISNPS Director Mohamed El-Genk invited to be Panelist at Opening Plenary of 2024 ANS Winter Conference and Expo
El-Genk invited speaker at the Open Plenary Panel at ANS Winter Meeting, 17-21, 2024
Masters Graduation - Ahmad Shaheen
Publications By Topic : Computational Fluid Dynamics And Numerical Analyses
52 results
- El-Genk, M.S., T.M. Schriener, "Lightweight Heat Pipe Radiator for Nuclear Reactor Power Systems on Lunar Surface". Nuclear Technology, 1-29, 2024.
- El-Genk, M.S., T. Schriener, "Lightweight Heat Pipe Radiator Panel for Lunar Surface Fission Power Systems". Proceedings AIAA ASCEND Conference, 2024.
- El-Genk, M.S., T. Schriener, "Design and Analyses of Lightweight Radiator Module for Nuclear Reactor Lunar Surface Power". Proceedings AIAA ASCEND Conference, 2023.
- Altamimi, R., M.S. El-Genk, "Design and Analyses of Miniature, Submersible Annular Linear Induction Pump for Test Loops Supporting Development of Advanced Nuclear Reactors". J Nuclear Engineering and Design, 1-25, 2023.
- Altamimi, R., M.S. El-Genk, "Equivalent Circuit Model for Predicting the Performance Characteristics of Direct Current-Electromagnetic Pumps". J Material Sciences and Engineering, 12(1), 629, 2023.
- Altamimi, R., M.S. El-Genk, "Magnetohydrodynamic Analyses of a Miniature Dual-Stages Electromagnetic Pump for Lead and Sodium In-pile Test Loops". J. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1-27, 2023.
- Altamimi, R., M.S. El-Genk, "Miniature DC Electromagnetic Pumps of Molten Lead and Sodium to Support Development of Gen-IV Nuclear Reactors". J Nuclear Engineering and Design, 410, 112376, 2023.
- El-Genk, M.S, T.M. Schriener, R. Altamimi, A. Hahn, "Pumping Options for Versatile Test Reactor Molten Lead In-pile Test Cartridge". J. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 197, 3082-3109, 2023.
- El-Genk, M.S., T.M. Schriener, A.S. Hahn, "Design Optimization and CFD and Performance
Analyses of Miniature Axial-Centrifugal Flow Pumps
for Circulating Molten Lead". J. Material Sciences & Engineering, 11:04, 1-14, 2022.
- Schriener, T.M., M. S. El-Genk, "Thermal Analyses of 440 We Thermoacoustic Radioisotope Power System,” J. Nuclear Engineering and Design". J. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 385, 111504, 2021.
- Schriener, T.M., M.S. El Genk, "Friction Factor Correlation for Molten Metals Flow in a 3-Rod Bundle in Cylindrical Shroud, with Smooth and Scalloped Inner Wall". Proceedings of the 2020 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering Joint with the ASME 2020 Power Conference IC, 2020.
- El-Genk, M. S. and M Pourghasemi, "Analytical and Numerical Investigations of Friction Number for Laminar Flow in Microchannels". ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 141, 031102-1-031102-15, 2019.
- Palomino, L. M. and M.S. El-Genk, "CFD Analyses of Liquid Sodium Heat Transfer in 19-rod Hexagonal Bundles with Scalloped Walls". International J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 144, 118637, 2019.
- El-Genk, M. S. and M Pourghasemi, "Nusselt Number and Development Length Correlations for Laminar Flows of Water and Air in Microchannels". International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 133, 277-294, 2019.
- El-Genk, M. S. and M Pourghasemi, "Nusselt Number and Development Length Correlations for Laminar Flows of Water and Air in Microchannels". International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 133, 277 - 294, 2019.
- El-Genk, M. S., T. M. Schriener, and J. J. Breedlove, "Thermal Analyses of Heat Source Assembly for a Dual Loop, Turbo-Brayton Radioisotope Power System". Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 10, 82-91, 2019.
- El-Genk, M. S. and M Pourghasemi, "Effect of Slip on Friction Number for water Flow in Microchannels". 3rd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), Paper no. TFEC-2018-22272, 2018.
- Breedlove, J. J., M. V. Zagarola, T. M. Conboy, A. Shah, C.Yu Lu, M. S. El-Genk, T. Schriner, "Turbo-Brayton Converter for Radioisotope Power Systems". In Proceedings, Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS-2018), American Nuclear Society, 2018.
- Haskins, D. A. and M. S. El-Genk, "Natural Circulation Thermal-hydraulics Model and Analyses of "SLIMM"- A Small Modular Reactor". Annals of Nuclear Energy, 101, 516-527, 2017.
- Haskins, D. A. and M. S. El-Genk, "CFD Analyses and Correlation of Pressure Losses on the Shell-Side of Concentric, Helically-Coiled Tubes Heat Exchanger". J. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 305, 531-546, 2016.
- Palomino, L. and M. S. El-Genk, "CFD and Thermal-Hydraulics Analyses of "SLIMM" Reactor Passive Decay Heat Removal by Natural Circulation of Ambient Air". J. Nuclear Technology, 195(1), 1-14, 2016.
- Schriener, T. M. and M. S. El-Genk, "Convection Heat Transfer Analyses and Correlation for Alkali Liquid Metals in Uniformly Heated Tubes". Proceedings, 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Paper# 13512, 2015.
- Schriener, T.M. and M.S. El-Genk, "Convection Heat Transfer of NaK-78 Liquid Metal in a Circular Tube and a Tri-lobe Channel". Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 86, 234-243, 2015.
- Suszko, A. and M. S. El-Genk, "Enhancement of Nucleate Boiling on Rough and Dimpled Surfaces with Application to Composite Spreaders for Microprocessors Immersion Cooling". Technical Report No.UNM-ISNPS-2-2015, 2015.
- Schriener, T. and M. S. El-Genk, "Multi-Physics Design and Analyses of Long life Reactors for Lunar Outposts". Technical Report No.UNM-ISNPS-1-2015, 2015.
- El-Genk, M. S. and L. M. Palomino, "SLIMM-Scalable Liquid Metal Cooled Small Modular Reactor: Preliminary Design". Progress in Nuclear Energy, 85, 56-70, 2015.
- Yang, In-Hwan, and M. S. El-Genk, "Linear Instability in Jetting Regime of Co-flowing Immiscible Liquids in Co-axial Microtubes". International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport, 4, 51-75, 2014.
- Schriener, T.M. and M.S. El-Genk, "RANS-Based CFD Analyses of Turbulent Flow in a Solid Core, Small Modular Reactor". Proceedings International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2014), Paper #14075, 1946-1955, 2014.
- Schriener, T. M. and M. S. El-Genk, "Inherently Safe Fission Power System for Lunar Outposts". Proceedings 6th Conference of the International Association of the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS), SP-715, 2013.
- Yang, In-Hwan, and M. S. El-Genk, "Numerical Analysis of Co-Flowing Immiscible Liquids in Co-axial Microtubes". Technial Report No. UNM-ISNPS-2-2013, 2013.
- Yang, In-Hwan, and M. S. El-Genk, "Numerical Analysis of Co-flowing Immiscible Liquids in Co-axial Microtubes: Flow regimes Map and Boundaries Correlations". Int. J. Micro-Nano Scale Transport, 3(3), 79-102, 2013.
- Yang, In-Hwan, and M. S. El-Genk, "Regimes Map and Transition Boundaries for immiscible Liquids Flow in Co-Axial Microtubes". Proceedings ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2013), 2013.
- El-Genk, M. S. and J.-M. P. Tournier, "Sherwood Number Correlation for Nuclear Graphite Gasification at high Temperatures". J. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 62, 26-36, 2013.
- El-Genk, M. S. and A. F. Ali, "Advanced Spreaders for Enhanced Cooling of High Power Chips". Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 3, 43001, 2012.
- El-Genk, M. S. and In-Hwan Yang, "Closure to Discussion of Friction Numbers and Viscous Heating for Laminar Flows of Water in Mictrotubes". ASME J. Heat Transfer, 134(11), p. 116001, 2012.
- Schriener, T. M. and M. S. El-Genk, "Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis of a Liquid Metal Fast Reactor for Expandable Lunar Surface Power". Annals of Nuclear Energy, 41, 48-60, 2012.
- Ali, A. F. and M. S. El-Genk, "Numerical Analysis of Spreaders with an Enhancing Nucleate Boiling Surface for Immersion Cooling of Chips with Central Hot Spots". Proceedings 13th Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems , 2012.
- Ali, A. F. and M. S. El-Genk, "Spreaders for Immersion Nucleate Boiling of a Computer Chip with a Central Hot Spot". J. Energy Conversion and Management, 53, 259-267, 2012.
- Schriener, T.M. and M. S. El-Genk, "Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety Analysis of Sectored Compact Reactor for Lunar Surface Power". Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP’12), paper No. 12047, 24-28, 2012.
- Travis, B. W. and M. S. El-Genk, "A Heat Transfer Correlation for Flow Channels in a Prismatic Core VHTR". Proceedings 15th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES-2011), 2011.
- El-Genk, M.S. and J. M. Tournier, "Comparison of Oxidation Model with Gasification data of IG-110, IG-430, and NBG-25 Nuclear Graphite, and Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Convection Heat Transfer in Coolant Channels ". ISNPS Report No. 1-2011, 2011.
- Rodriguez, S. B. and M. S. El-Genk, "Coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Analysis of VHTR Lower Plenum". Proceedings 11th International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP-2011), Paper # 11247, 2011.
- In-Hwan Yang and M. S. El-Genk, "Emulsion Formation in Dripping Regime of Co-Flowing Immiscible Liquids in Co-Axial Mictotubes". International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport, 2(1), 57-83, 2011.
- In-Hwan Yang and M. S. El-Genk, "Parametric Analysis of microdroplet formation in Co-axial Co-flowing Immiscible Liquids in microtubes". Proc. 14th Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels Conference, Paper # ICNMM2011-58088, 2011.
- Rodriguez, S. B. and El-Genk, M. S., "Cooling of an Isothermal plate using a Triangular Array of Swirling Air Jets". Proceedings 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, Paper# IHTC14-22170, 2010.
- Rodriguez, S. B., S. Domino and M. S. El-Genk, "Fluid Flow and heat Transfer Analysis of the VHTR Lower Plenum Using the FUEGO CFD Code". Proceedings CFD for Nuclear Reactor Safety (CFD4NRS-3), 2010.
- Rodriguez, S. B., and El-Genk, M. S., "Numerical Investigation of Potential Elimination of hot streaking and stratification in the VHTR lower plenum using helicoid inserts". J. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240, 995-1004, 2010.
- Rodriguez, S. B. and El-Genk, M. S., "On enhancing VHTR Lower Plenum Heat Transfer and Mixing via Swirling Jets". Proceedings 10th International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP, Paper # 10160, 2010.
- El-Genk, M.S. and Yang, In-Hwan, "Numerical Analysis of Laminar Flow in Micro-tubes with a Slip Boundary". J. Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 1481-1490, 2009.
- El-Genk, M. S., and In-Hwan Yang, "Effect of Slip on Viscous Dissipation and Friction Number in Micro-tubes". Proceedings 5th European Thermal-Science Conference, 2008.
- El-Genk, M. S. and In-Hwan Yang, "Friction Numbers and Viscous Dissipation Heating for Laminar Flows of Water in Micro-tubes". J. Heat Transfer, 130(8), 2008.
- Yang, In-Hwan, and M. S. El-Genk, "Viscous Dissipation in Laminar water Flows in Micro-tubes". Proceedings ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Paper no. HT2007-32497, 2007.
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