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ISNPS Director Mohamed El-Genk invited to be Panelist at Opening Plenary of 2024 ANS Winter Conference and Expo
El-Genk invited speaker at the Open Plenary Panel at ANS Winter Meeting, 17-21, 2024
Masters Graduation - Ahmad Shaheen
Physical Location:
Ferris Engineering Center
Room 1120

Mailing Address:
Institute for Space & Nuclear Power Studies
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: 505.277.5442
Fax: 505.277.5433

Online: Contact Form

M.S. Theses

  1. Cowen, Benjamin J., Force Fields for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Crystalline Silica and Future Application to Accident Tolerant Fuel Systems for Light Water Reactors. M.S., Nuclear Engineering Department, May 2015.
  2. Travis, Boyce W., An Effective Methodology for Thermal-hydraulics Analysis of a VHTR Core and Fuel Elements. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department, M.S. Thesis, May 2013.
  3. Gallo, Bruno, Brayton Rotating Unit Design and Analysis for Space Reactor Power Systems. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department, M.S. Thesis, December 2008.
  4. Gray, Devin, An Investigation of Gas Bubble Injection from Single Nozzles into Water and Liquid Metal Pools. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department, M.S. Thesis, May 2008.
  5. Hatton, Steven, Parametric Studies of the Sectored Compact Reactor (SCoRe-S) for Space Power. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department, M.S. Thesis, May 2007.
  6. Bostanci, Husyein, Effect of Inclination Angle and Subcooling on Nucleate Boiling and Critical Heat Flux of HFE-7100. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, December 2001.
  7. King, Jeffery C., Performance and Stress Analyses of Nb-1zr/C-103 Multitube, Vapor-Anode AMTEC cells for Space Power Applications. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 2000.
  8. Abdel Fattah, Amr, Sorption Kinetics of Hydrophobic, Negatively Charged Microspheres onto a Stagnant Air-Liquid Interface. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, December 1997.
  9. Roemer, Gaius, A Colloid Transport Model and Its Applications to Site Characterization. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1997.
  10. Gao, Cheng, Effect of Material and Surface area and Curvature on Pool Boiling from Downward-Facing Convex Surfaces. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, May 1996.
  11. Glebov, A., Pool Boiling from Downward-Facing Curved Surfaces. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, May 1995.
  12. Liscum-Powell, J., Design and Optimization of the Pellet Bed Reactor For Bimodal power and Propulsion Applications. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, December 1994.
  13. Luke, J., A Transient Model of a Cesium-Barium Diode. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, December 1994.
  14. Paramonov, D., Thermionic Transient Analysis Model for TOPAZ-II Space Nuclear Reactor Power System. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, December 1993.
  15. Huang, L., Experimental Investigation of the Transient Performance of an Inclined Water Heat Pipes. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1993.
  16. Xue, Huimin, Natural Circulation Decay Heat Removal from an SP-100, 500 kWe Power System for a Lunar Outpost. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1992.
  17. Su, Bingling, Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer of Water in Square Arrayed Rod Bundles at Low Reynolds Number. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1992.
  18. Morley, N., Conceptual Studies on Integration of Nuclear Reactor Systems to Manned Rover for Mars Mission. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, May 1991.
  19. Chidester, Kenneth, Effect of Free Carbon Diffusion on the Densification of UC2-x on Refractory Metal Substrates. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1990.
  20. Rider, William, SNPSAM-Mode 3: For Reliability and Survivability Studies of SP-100 Class Systems. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1989.
  21. Ross, S., Thermal Conductivity and Swelling Correlations for Uranium-Nitride Fuels. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M. S. Thesis, December 1987.
  22. Buksa, J. J., Decay Heat Thermal Management in Liquid Metal Space Reactors. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1987.
  23. Haynes, Stanley, Experimental Studies of the Critical Heat Flux in Vertical Annuli at Near Atmospheric Pressure. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1987.
  24. White, B. A., Effects of Gamma Ray Bombardment on the Performance of Fiber Optics. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, May 1987.
  25. Seo, Jong-Tae, SNPSAM-System Model for Space Nuclear Power System. Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, May 1986.
  26. Williams, T., Experimental Heat Transfer Studies of Laminar and Transition Flows of Water in Vertical Annuli. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, December 1985.
  27. Louie, David Lok Yin, Effect of Venting System Failure on the Operation of Heat Pipe Space Nuclear Reactor. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, August 1984.
  28. Kim, Sung-Ho, Settling Studies of Single and Two Component Mixture of Metal Spheres. Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico, M.S. Thesis, May 1984.

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