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ISNPS Director Mohamed El-Genk invited to be Panelist at Opening Plenary of 2024 ANS Winter Conference and Expo
El-Genk invited speaker at the Open Plenary Panel at ANS Winter Meeting, 17-21, 2024
Masters Graduation - Ahmad Shaheen
Physical Location:
Ferris Engineering Center
Room 1120

Mailing Address:
Institute for Space & Nuclear Power Studies
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: 505.277.5442
Fax: 505.277.5433

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Saturation Boiling Videos

ISNPS is currently investigating pool boiling of dielectric liquids as a method of cooling high powered electronics in anticipation of the development of more powerful and compact computers. Using porous graphite and finned copper surfaces, heat fluxes in excess of 70 W/cm2 have been dissipated in boiling of HFE-7100. To explore the effect that various parameters have on boiling heat transfer, experiments are performed using different liquids (HFE-7100 and FC-72), at different subcoolings (0 K to 30 K subcooling), different surface orientations (0° to 180°), and on different surfaces (plane and finned surfaces made of copper and porous graphite). Still images and video helps to understand and explain the boiling phenomena. Below are links to videos of showing pool boiling under several different conditions.
